Theory codes
- Synopsis:
is a base class for theory codes and likelihoods.
Both likelihoods and theories calculate something. Likelihoods are distinguished because they calculate a log likelihood. Both theory codes and likelihoods can calculate other things, and they may have complex dependencies between them: e.g. the likelihood depends on observable A that is computed by theory code B than in turn requires calculation of input calculation by code C.
This module contains the base class for all of these calculation components. It handles caching of results, so that calculations do not need to be redone when the parameters on which a component directly (or indirectly) depends have not changed.
Subclasses generally provide the Theory.get_requirements()
and initialization methods as required. The
method is used to tell a code which requirements are
actually needed by other components, and may return a dictionary of additional conditional
requirements based on those passed.
The Theory.calculate()
method saves all needed results in the state dictionary
(which is cached and reused as needed). Subclasses define get_X
or get_result(X)
methods to return the actual result of the calculation for X for the current cache state.
The Theory.get_param()
method returns the value of a derived parameter for the
current state.
For details and examples of how to handle multiple theory codes with complex dependencies see Creating theory classes and dependencies.
Theory class
- class theory.Theory(info=mappingproxy({}), name=None, timing=None, packages_path=None, initialize=True, standalone=True)
Base class theory that can calculate something.
- get_requirements()
Get a dictionary of requirements (or a list of requirement name, option tuples) that are always needed (e.g. must be calculated by another component or provided as input parameters).
- Return type:
]]]]- Returns:
dictionary or list of tuples of requirement names and options (or iterable of requirement names if no optional parameters are needed)
- must_provide(**requirements)
Function called by Cobaya with the actual products that this component needs to compute (i.e. the things this component can provide that are actually used by other components). The function can return conditional requirements that this component needs from other components in order to compute those things.
argument is a requirement name with any optional parameters. This function may be called more than once with different requirements.- Return type:
]]]]- Returns:
optional dictionary (or list of requirement name, option tuples) of conditional requirements for the ones requested.
- calculate(state, want_derived=True, **params_values_dict)
Do the actual calculation and store results in state dict
- Parameters:
state – dictionary to store results
want_derived – whether to set state[‘derived’] derived parameters
params_values_dict – parameter values
- Returns:
None or True if success, False for fail
- initialize_with_params()
Additional initialization after requirements called and input_params and output_params have been assigned (but provider and assigned requirements not yet set).
- initialize_with_provider(provider)
Final initialization after parameters, provider and assigned requirements set. The provider is used to get the requirements of this theory using provider.get_X() and provider.get_param(‘Y’).
- Parameters:
provider (
) – thetheory.Provider
instance that should be used by this component to get computed requirements
- get_param(p)
Interface function for likelihoods and other theory components to get derived parameters.
- Return type:
- get_result(result_name, **kwargs)
Interface function for likelihood and other theory components to get quantities calculated by this component. By default assumes the quantity is just directly saved into the current state (i.e. returns
).- Parameters:
result_name – name of quantity
kwargs – options specific to X or this component
- Returns:
- get_can_provide_methods()
Get a dictionary of quantities X that can be retrieved using get_X methods.
- Returns:
dictionary of the form {X: get_X method}
- get_can_provide()
Get a list of names of quantities that can be retrieved using the general get_result(X) method.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
iterable of quantity names
- get_can_provide_params()
Get a list of derived parameters that this component can calculate. The default implementation returns the result based on the params attribute set via the .yaml file or class params (with derived:True for derived parameters).
- Return type:
]- Returns:
iterable of parameter names
- get_can_support_params()
Get a list of parameters supported by this component, can be used to support parameters that don’t explicitly appear in the .yaml or class params attribute or are otherwise explicitly supported (e.g. via requirements)
- Return type:
]- Returns:
iterable of names of parameters
- get_allow_agnostic()
Whether it is allowed to pass all unassigned input parameters to this component (True) or whether parameters must be explicitly specified (False).
- Returns:
True or False
- property input_params_extra
Parameters required from other components, to be passed as input parameters.
- set_cache_size(n)
Set how many states to cache
- check_cache_and_compute(params_values_dict, dependency_params=None, want_derived=False, cached=True)
Takes a dictionary of parameter values and computes the products needed by the likelihood, or uses the cached value if that exists for these parameters. If want_derived, the derived parameters are saved in the computed state (retrieved using current_derived).
params_values_dict can be safely modified and stored.
- get_provider()
Return object containing get_X, get_param, get_result methods to get computed results. This defaults to self, but can change to delegate provision to another object
- Returns:
object instance
- get_helper_theories()
Return dictionary of optional names and helper Theory instances that should be used in conjunction with this component. The helpers can be created here as only called once, and before any other use of helpers.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
dictionary of names and Theory instances
- get_attr_list_with_helpers(attr)
Get combined list of self.attr and helper.attr for all helper theories
- Parameters:
attr – attr name
- Returns:
combined list
- close(*args)
Finalizes the class, if something needs to be cleaned up.
- classmethod compare_versions(version_a, version_b, equal=True)
Checks whether
is equal or higher thanversion_b
.For strictly higher, pass
).- Returns:
- classmethod get_associated_file_content(ext, file_root=None)
Return the content of the associated file, if it exists.
This function handles extracting package files when they may be inside a zipped package and thus not directly accessible.
- Return type:
]- Returns:
The content of the file as a string, if it exists and can be read. None otherwise.
- classmethod get_bibtex()
Get the content of .bibtex file for this component. If no specific bibtex from this class, it will return the result from an inherited class if that provides bibtex.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_class_options(input_options=mappingproxy({}))
Returns dictionary of names and values for class variables that can also be input and output in yaml files, by default it takes all the (non-inherited and non-private) attributes of the class excluding known specials.
Could be overridden using input_options to dynamically generate defaults, e.g. a set of input parameters generated depending on the input_options.
- Parameters:
input_options – optional dictionary of input parameters
- Return type:
]- Returns:
dict of names and values
- classmethod get_class_path()
Get the file path for the class.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_defaults(return_yaml=False, yaml_expand_defaults=True, input_options=mappingproxy({}))
Return defaults for this component_or_class, with syntax:
option: value [...] params: [...] # if required prior: [...] # if required
If keyword return_yaml is set to True, it returns literally that, whereas if False (default), it returns the corresponding Python dict.
Note that in external components installed as zip_safe=True packages files cannot be accessed directly. In this case using !default .yaml includes currently does not work.
Also note that if you return a dictionary it may be modified (return a deep copy if you want to keep it).
if yaml_expand_defaults then !default: file includes will be expanded
input_options may be a dictionary of input options, e.g. in case default params are dynamically dependent on an input variable
- get_desc()
Returns a short description of the class. By default, returns the class’ docstring.
You can redefine this method to dynamically generate the description based on the class initialisation
(see e.g. the source code of MCMC’s class method_get_desc()
- classmethod get_file_base_name()
Gets the string used as the name for .yaml, .bib files, typically the class name or an un-CamelCased class name
- Return type:
- classmethod get_kind()
Return, as a string, the kind of this component.
- classmethod get_modified_defaults(defaults, input_options=mappingproxy({}))
After defaults dictionary is loaded, you can dynamically modify them here as needed,e.g. to add or remove defaults[‘params’]. Use this when you don’t want the inheritance-recursive nature of get_defaults() or don’t only want to affect class attributes (like get_class_options() does0.
- get_name()
Get the name. This is usually set by the name used in the input .yaml, but otherwise defaults to the fully-qualified class name.
- Return type:
- Returns:
name string
- classmethod get_qualified_class_name()
Get the distinct shortest reference name for the class of the form module.ClassName or module.submodule.ClassName etc. For Cobaya components the name is relative to subpackage for the relevant kind of class (e.g. Likelihood names are relative to cobaya.likelihoods).
For external classes it loads the shortest fully qualified name of the form package.ClassName or package.module.ClassName or package.subpackage.module.ClassName, etc.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_text_file_content(file_name)
Return the content of a file in the directory of the module, if it exists.
- Return type:
- get_version()
Get version information for this component.
- Return type:
]]- Returns:
string or dict of values or None
- classmethod get_yaml_file()
Gets the file name of the .yaml file for this component if it exists on file (otherwise None).
- Return type:
- has_version()
Whether to track version information for this component
- initialize()
Initializes the class (called from __init__, before other initializations).
- param_dict_debug(msg, dic)
Removes numpy2 np.float64 for consistent output
- set_instance_defaults()
Can use this to define any default instance attributes before setting to the input dictionary (from inputs or defaults)
- validate_attributes(annotations)
If _enforce_types or cobaya.typing.enforce_type_checking is set, this checks all class attributes against the annotation types
- Parameters:
annotations (
) – resolved inherited dictionary of attributes for this class- Raises:
TypeError if any attribute does not match the annotation type
- validate_info(name, value, annotations)
Does any validation on parameter k read from an input dictionary or yaml file, before setting the corresponding class attribute. This check is always done, even if _enforce_types is not set.
- Parameters:
name (
) – name of parametervalue (
) – valueannotations (
) – resolved inherited dictionary of attributes for this class